You can delete the comment to remove the spam from your account and weblog pages. Click the Edit Posts link for the weblog from your Weblogs tab, then click List Comments.
Note: To ban the commenter or report the message as spam, select all of the comment details before deleting the comment and copy them so that they can be pasted into your report.
The List Comments page displays all of the comments on the weblog. Use the magnifying glass icon next to the post name, IP, or author name to filter the list of comments.
You can also use the Filter options drop-down menu and text box at the top to filter by email. At the bottom of the page there is a selector to set how many comments to display in the list.
Then check the boxes for the comments to delete, or use the "Check All" button to select all of the comments displayed in the list, and click the Delete Comments button. After confirming the delete, the comments will be removed and your pages updated.
Also see TypePad Help: Deleting Comments on Your Posts
Use the TypePad Help Ticket system to send your spam report. Select I received a spam comment to my weblog for the category. Include the comment details--you can paste the text from the comment notify email (see "How do I receive notices of new comments" below), or, if you don't have the comment notification, paste the comment with the Name/Email/URL and comment text into your support ticket.
Open a New Help Ticket
Use the TypePad Control Panel to ban an IP from commenting on your site. The spammers frequently change IPs with their messages so this is not always helpful but it can help if you are receiving messages from the same IP.
Also see TypePad Help: Banning a Commenter
The comment options for the weblog are configured in your weblog display options (Configure > Display).
In the Comment Options section, check the box for Email new comments and save the setting. Now you will receive an email notify sent to the email address in your author profile when a new comment is posted on your site.
You can also set other comment options here, such as allowing HTML and auto-linking in comments. The default setting for new posts can be set, with the "Allow Comments default" option. This setting affects new posts.
Also see TypePad Help: Setting Your Weblog Comment Options
Comments are set on a per-post basis. Open the Edit Post page for the post, set the comments option to "None" and save the post.
Also see TypePad Help: Enabling (or Disabling) Comments on Your Posts
It is possible to have comments fed into a password-protected weblog because spammers do not have to visit a site to post a comment on it.
Nobody can view your password-protected site without the password.
Open proxies are blocked from commenting on TypePad weblogs. For further details, see Everything TypePad! TypePad vs. Comment Spammers
If you are blocked as an open proxy, you can still post your comment. Use the image that you will see on the comment page if you are blocked. In the text box, type in the text you see displayed in the image to prove that you are a person and your comment will be submitted.
We are removing confirmed spam from the database. If you have a comment on your site that does not display in your List Comments, it is because we already removed it for you.
Publish your site to see this update. Do this by saving the post that had the comment, or use the Publish button on the Design tab for the weblog to publish the pages.
See Fighting Comment Spam at Everything TypePad!